Bell County W.C. & I.D. No. 1

Bid Opportunities

Work On Projects

Interested in signing up for a Bid? Click a Bid Opportunity below to print out the Bid Packet and follow the instructions in the Bid Packet in order to submit your bid.*
* Any addenda to the Bid Packet will be posted here. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to check for any addenda before submitting the final bid
* The District reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Bid Opportunity Bid information

Click the Bid Opportunity above to print a Bid Packet. Follow the instructions in the Bid Packet in order to submit your bid.

Any addenda to the Bid Packet will be posted here.  It is the Bidder’s responsibility to check for any addenda before submitting the final bid.

Natural Gas Line installation

Improvements Being Made

A 6 inch natural gas main is necessary to fuel the generators necessary to maintain 10 megawatts of service to keep the Belton Water Treatment Plant in service during a prolonged power outage. A 2 inch gas line that resides within the existing government easement will be replaced with the larger new main. A preliminary survey of the route has been completed with a final survey scheduled to begin within the next few weeks. An updated schedule will be available soon with detailed tasks and estimated timelines.

A customer meeting was held Monday evening, January 30th [year???] at 6pm for those property owners who we have easement with for the gas line path. Despite the whether 6 owners or their representatives were in attendance and were able to ask questions and view the exhibits detailing the location of the government easement and the general gas line path. Once the final survey is complete and before final design is complete another customer meeting will be scheduled. The gas line contractor is K&K Construction, led by Mr. Steve Kirksey.

What to expect

Before workers enter your property you will see a door or gate hangar similar to this attachment. It will have the main contacts for Ricky Garrett and Mr. Kirksey, but should also have specific contact information for the supervisor on site.
Check back here for weekly project updates

Capital Projects

Lake Belton Plant Expansion

Excerpt: As part of our recent Master Plan update, CDM-Smith developed water use projections for every WCID 1 customer. Four entities are projected to need increase their water treatment capacity…

Lake Belton Standby Generation

Excerpt: This project includes the installation of about 11,000 feet of 6 inch gas main, purchase of Oncor transformers, Atmos large metering station, and the installation of 16 Generac 625kW…

48-inch Parallel Transmission Main Replacement

Excerpt: This project includes the installation of approximately 5,000 feet of 48-inch or larger transmission main pipe adjacent to the existing 48-inch concrete steel cylinder piping. The contractor shall install…

Surge Tank Replacement

Excerpt: This project includes the replacement of one of the 500,000-gallon surge tanks on the Fort Hood Military Reservation. The contractor selected to construct the 48-inch parallel line segment shall…
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